1 Break forth and sing, of Christ the King,
The Prince of Peace, and never cease
To tell each one what Christ hath done;
Proclaim the glad tidings to all the world.
Proclaim the glad news of salvation
Unto every tongue, tribe and nation,
O tell them the wonderful story
Of Jesus the Monarch of glory.
O sing of His anguish and bitter loss
Tell of His death on the cruel cross,
Tell the sweet story that never grows old unto all the world.
2 Send forth the light into the night
Of dark despair seen everywhere;
Till day shall break,—for Jesus sake
Let all hear the story of love divine. [Refrain]
3 Herald the truth to age and youth
O’er land and sea where men may be;
Spread gospel cheer, banish all fear
From hearts that are burdened with sin and shame. [Refrain]
4 His all He gave our souls to save,
From dark despair beyond compare;
To Him be praise, loud anthems raise!
His name we will worship for evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Hymns No. 4 #190