1 Brother, keep straight on the Christian's race,
With your eyes on the heav'nly goal,
Where a rest remains for the tried and true
In the homeland of the soul.
The Christian's race is set before you,
Lay ev'ry weight and sin aside;
Keep ever onward, upward pressing,
The Lord Himself will be your guide;
A could of witnesses surround you,
The promised land before you lies;
Keep ever onward, upward pressing,
Tow'rd the mark for the prize.
2 Brother, keep straight on in the old-time way
Which our fathers before us trod;
Tho' the way be long, rough and toilsome, too,
And is stained with martyr's blood. [Chorus]
3 Brother, keep straight on, to the end endure,
And the goal shall at last be won;
Till your weary feet tread the golden street,
And you hear your Lord's "Well done." [Chorus]
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #148