1. Brother to a feast invited,
At the marriage of the King,
Have you on the wedding garment,
The credential you must bring?
Brother, have you on the wedding garment?
The bride is getting ready, the time draws near.
Are you robed and ready for the Bridegroom,
Should he suddenly appear?
2. If you then would stand acquitted,
For his coming now prepare;
Seek the righteousness of Jesus,
As the garment you must wear. [Chorus]
3. He shall be without excuse then,
Whom the Bridegroom there shall see
Having not the wedding garment,
Surely "speechless" shall he be. [Chorus]
4. Let us then be robed and ready,
With our lamps all burning bright,
Thus to enter with the Bridegroom
To the marriage with delight. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #127