1 By and by we’ll walk in light supernal,
‘Mid the scenes of beauty ever vernal,
While our souls are thrilled with joys eternal,
In that country over yonder.
Some sweet day where living waters flow,
Wearing garments whiter than the snow,
Saved by grace, a joy divine we’ll know,
In that country over yonder.
2 There are mansions fair beyond all telling,
Where the ransomed of all climes are dwelling,
With their praise of Jesus loudly swelling
In that country over yonder. [Refrain]
3 Oh, how sweet where sorrow cometh never,
Where love’s tender ties no death can sever,
Safe with Jesus to abide forever
In that country over yonder. [Refrain]
Source: The Gospel Chorus: for use in prayer meetings, young people's societies and revivals #98