1 By the lip, the leaf, the pen,
Speed the Gospel tidings on
To the waiting hearts of men.
What you have to give or say,
Give it now, and say today.
2 Sow a little wayside talk;
Sow a sunny daily walk—
God will watch and nurse the stalk.
Only do the planting thou—
Do it early, do it now.
3 By the purse, the prayer, the song,
Send the blessèd Word along,
Into every land and tongue;
Whatsoe’er it be, or how,
Do it early, do it now.
4 True and steady to the chart,
Hand in hand and heart to heart,
Let us do a hero’s part.
Some may sow and some may plow,
Do it early, do it now.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10972