1 Cast thy burden on the Lord,
Child of sorrow, do not fear;
If thou wilt believe His word,
Bright thy morn will soon appear;
Art thou sinful? why despair?
Pardon, peace, will Christ afford;
Come to Him by faith and pray’r,
“Cast thy burden on the Lord.”
2 Has some lov’d one left thee here,
Mourning o’er a grave so low,
Thou shalt find a Comforter,
If thou wilt to Jesus go.
Have thy friends forsaken thee?
Still rely upon His word;
He can all thy sorrows see,
“Cast thy burden on the Lord.”
3 Art thou tempted? Jesus knows
All the dangers of the way;
Tho’ the host of sin oppose,
He will keep thee day by day.
Art thou weak? on Him rely;
Strength for thee in Him is stor’d;
Thou shalt find Him ever night,
“Cast thy burden on the Lord.”
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #291a