1 Christians, keep your banners waving;
The hosts of Satan all are raving,
And he himself leads in the fight.
Girt with truth, go forth to meet him;
Yea, with the Word of God defeat him
And put his wicked hordes to flight.
Defy the gates of hell!
With us Immanuel!
The mighty foe, by Him brought low,
No more shall work us harm or woe.
2 Christians, fight all lust within you;
Let no enticing evil win you,
But conquer in the Savior's might.
From the Lord new vigor gaining,
Let not the light of faith be waning,
But keep it ever clear an bright.
If ye grow weak in soul,
O look to yonder goal
With its glory,
And let us fight with all our might,
The victor's crown we have in sight.
3 Christians, fight, for time is flying,
And daily we ourselves are dying;
Our sojourn here below is brief.
When the world is terror-stricken,
And Jesus all the dead shall quicken,
Then we from death shall gain relief.
So let the world deride,
The Lord is on our side;
We shall triumph.
The deed is done, God's only Son
For us the crown of life has won.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #244