1 Christians, rise, put on your armor;
Men of Christ, assume your part.
Satan, still the crafty charmer,
Trains his host in all his art.
As your sword
Use God's Word,
Hell is battling 'gainst the Lord.
2 Follow Christ, your great Commander,
Lean upon His mighty arm;
Satan, armed with guile and slander,
Aims to do you naught but harm.
Have no fear
Christ is near,
He as victor shall appear.
3 With the cross of Christ to lead you,
Press ye onward in the strife.
He who by the cross has freed you
Fills the faintest heart with life,
For each wound
Balm is found
In the joy of victors crowned.
4 Many hearts are filled with yearning
And have yet no solace found.
Men to God but partly turning
Find that fear and woes abound.
God will bless
When the flesh
By His Spirit we suppress.
5 Crowns are won by true endeavor,
As all saints have testified.
They have overcome forever,
Strengthened by the Lamb that died.
Likewise we
Cannot be
From the Christian's trials free.
6 Though our flesh to dust be turning,
If our souls in God remain,
On a glorious Easter morning
Day for us shall break again.
Easter day
Holding sway,
Death must yield its mighty prey.
7 Then the host of Christ shall gather
At His throne a ransomed throng,
Offering thanks to God, the Father,
And to Christ salvation's song.
Every tongue
Shall this song
Through eternity prolong.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #248