1 Come, come to Jesus,
Come just now to Jesus,
Sin-sick and weary, trusting in Him, come.
Come while He calls you,
Pleading love and mercy,
O my sinful brother, come to Christ and home!
Come, while He calls you,
Come while mercy waits you.
Come, and by faith claim pardon thro' His blood;
Come, sin forsaking,
Trusting in His mercy,
Come, O weary soul, be reconciled to God!
2 Come, come to Jesus,
Come just now to Jesus,
Lost from the fold in sin why longer stray?
Death is approaching,
Judgment nigh is drawing,
Hear the call of mercy, brother, while you may. [Refrain]
3 Come, weary brother,
Having stray'd from Jesus,
Prodigal wand'rer, with your broken vows;
Come, seek for pardon,
Come and seek for power,
Freely upon those who ask Him He bestows. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #238