1 Come, thou now exalted Saviour,
Bless us with a solemn frame;
Teach us now, henceforth, for ever,
To adore thy precious name;
Lovely Jesus,
Never let us stray again.
2 Lead us forth by thy sweet Spirit,
Now to feed on heavenly food;
And by faith may we inherit
The true riches of our God;
And with pleasure,
Trace the wonders of thy blood.
3 Into thy heart-breaking sorrows,
May our souls be sweetly led;
May we gaze upon the furrows
That within thy back were made;
And, believing,
Fellowship with Jesus have.
4 May we never rest, or glory
In a form, without the power;
Jesus, make us wise and holy,
Thee to love and to adore;
And, in living,
Live in thee for evermore.
5 [While in Meshech we must wander,
Lead us out of self to thee;
And, with a transporting wonder,
May we oft thy glory see;
And, when dying,
Sing of deathless victory.]
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #563