1 Come to the Savior, come to the Savior,
Ye who are weary, sin-sick and lone;
He has the pow’r to pardon and cleanse you,
Fully restore, and make you His own.
Savior, I’m coming,
Savior, I’m coming;
Tho’ into sin afar I have wandered,
Savior, I’m coming home today.
2 Come to the Savior, come to the Savior,
Lean on His bosom, tell Him your grief;
pour out your heart with fullest assurance,
He will give comfort, rest and relief. [Chorus]
3 Come to the Savior, come to the Savior,
Full of compassion ever is He;
All of our frailties ever He knoweth,
For the whole world His mercy is free. [Chorus]
4 Come to the Savior, come to the Savior,
Bring Him your burden, do not delay;
Down at His feet then trustingly leave it,
And in your heart a song bear away. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #182