1 Comfort ye my, comfort ye my
People, saith your God;
comfortably speak ye to her,
(Shout and Cry aloud);
Tell her that her Warfare's o'er,
Tell her that her vict'ry's sure;
Sin, nor Wrath, nor second Death,
Shall ne'er o'ertake her more.
2 Sin is pardon'd, sin is pardon'd
God the Word did give;
The most harden'd, the most harden'd
Now shall hear and live:
She receiv'd, to make her clean,
(From his Hand for ev'ry Sin)
Grace and Trouble, fully double;
Joy ye Sons of Men!
3 Glorious Jesus, glorious Jesus,
Thou art lifted high;
That shall pleas us, that shall please us
To Eternity:
What these Tidings good contain,
Thy dear Blood and Wounds explain:
Never-ending Love! descending
By thy Smart and Pain.
4 All our Warfare, all our Warfare
Thou'st accomplish'd well;
Bravely conquer'd bravely conquer'd
Sin, and Death, and Hell:
Thee we hail, thou King of Heav'n!
Thou thy all to us hast giv'n;
In thy Blood, our Lord and God,
We find our holy Leav'n.
5 Thy Soul-Trouble, thy Soul-Trouble,
Suff'ring in our Room,
's more than double, 's more than double
Adam's awful Doom:
All the Plenitude of Grace
Fills thy sweet, thy lovely Face;
More abounding, deeper sounding
Than our sinful Case.
6 Thy Condition, thy Condition,
Fully is our own;
No Ambition, no Ambition
This, but truly known;
What the Members all may know:
Living in their Head, they'll grow
Up to this, the Source of Bliss,
Where endless Comforts flow.
7 Holy Saviour, holy Saviour,
Glorious is thy Name!
Each Believer, each Believer,
Sing, the bleeding Lamb:
Ever may thy Glories shine!
Worthy thou, the Lamb divine!
Glorious Praise, Ancient of Days,
Be ever, ever thine.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #I.LII