1 Count my Blessings? Rather bid me
Count the stars in heav’n above,
As to number up before thee
All the proofs of Father’s love.
Count my Blessings? No, I cannot,
‘Tis a task too great for me;
For they’re like the stars in number,
Or the sand beside the sea.
2 Count my Blessings? On the sea shore
Canst thou count the sand-grains there?
Nor can human thought e’er number
All God’s acts of tender care. [Refrain]
3 Count my Blessings? I will do it
If thou’lt count the flakes of snow;
For my blessings are as many,
That from boundless mercy flow. [Refrain]
4 Count my Blessings? Tho’ you surely
Count the raindrops as they fall,
Yet no child of God can ever
Count His blessings, one and all. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #5