1 Cry aloud in joyful adoration,
Men of earth in high or lowly station!
Low bowing before Him,
Praise, laud and adore Him,
Great Author of life and of salvation.
He came our burden of sin to share,
A crown of thorns on the cross to wear,
Let ev’ry creature sing
In honor of the King,
And to the world His name declare.
Though rejected and denied,
Persecuted, crucified,
He from the grave arose
In triumph o’er His foes!
Who shall then deny,
His name, or who His pow’r defy?
Before Him we adoring fall,
And crown Him Lord of all.
Behold Him!
Though rejected and denied,
Persecuted, crucified,
He from the grave arose
In triumph o’er His foes!
Who shall then deny,
His name, or who His pow’r defy?
Before Him we adoring fall,
And crown Him Lord of all.
2 Cry aloud His majesty and glory;
Tell again the ever blessed story!
Go into the highways,
Go into the byways,
Go, knowing that He goeth before you!
To ev’ry creature His name make known,
Whose saving grace can for sin atone;
Redeemer, Savior, King,
Let all the people sing,
For His God, and He alone. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Worship Hymns #148