1. Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
Who leans on him for might.
He turns away from God the Lord;
His heart rejects what’s right.
He’s like a bush out in the waste;
Good times will pass him by.
His place is parched and desolate,
With none to hear his cry.
2. But blessed the man who trusts the Lord;
God is his hope and stay.
He’s like a tree beside a stream;
Its roots drink deep each day.
It never fears in summertime;
Its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a drought;
Its fruit is always seen.
3. Lord, may I never in mankind
Place confidence or hope.
A fruitless, barren state that brings,
With none to help me cope.
But may I always trust in You;
Your Word will quench my thirst.
You’ll give me strength for every trial;
I’ll always put You first.
Born: OcÂtoÂber 17, 1950, Port AnÂgeÂles, WashÂingÂton.
Died: JuÂly 23, 2004, PerÂalÂta, New MexÂiÂco.
Susan was the seÂcond of two girls in the famÂiÂly. Her faÂther worked for the NaÂtionÂal Park SerÂvice, so SuÂsan enÂjoyed growÂing up in NaÂtionÂal Parks and HisÂtorÂic Sites across AmerÂiÂca.
She did her unÂderÂgradÂuÂate work at StanÂford UnÂiÂverÂsiÂty and earned a BS in maÂtheÂmaÂtics in 1972. The next year she took a one-year gradÂuÂate proÂgram at MultÂnoÂmah School of the BiÂble in PortÂland, OrÂeÂgon, and reÂceived a CerÂtifÂiÂcate of BiÂble upÂon comÂpleÂtion.
She deÂcidÂed not to purÂsue a caÂreer in comÂputÂer sciÂence, as she had origÂinÂalÂly inÂ… Go to person page >
Display Title: Cursed Is the One Who Trusts in ManFirst Line: Cursed is the one who trusts in manTune Title: LANDÃ…SAuthor: Susan H. PetersonMeter: CMD
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