Susan H. Peterson

Susan H. Peterson
Short Name: Susan H. Peterson
Full Name: Peterson, Susan H., 1950-2004
Birth Year: 1950
Death Year: 2004

Born: Oc­to­ber 17, 1950, Port An­ge­les, Wash­ing­ton.
Died: Ju­ly 23, 2004, Per­al­ta, New Mex­i­co.

Susan was the se­cond of two girls in the fam­i­ly. Her fa­ther worked for the Na­tion­al Park Ser­vice, so Su­san en­joyed grow­ing up in Na­tion­al Parks and His­tor­ic Sites across Amer­i­ca.
She did her un­der­grad­u­ate work at Stan­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty and earned a BS in ma­the­ma­tics in 1972. The next year she took a one-year grad­u­ate pro­gram at Mult­no­mah School of the Bi­ble in Port­land, Or­e­gon, and re­ceived a Cer­tif­i­cate of Bi­ble up­on com­ple­tion.
She de­cid­ed not to pur­sue a ca­reer in com­put­er sci­ence, as she had orig­in­al­ly in­tend­ed, in­stead em­bark­ing on a ser­ies of jobs in which she honed her of­fice skills and gained some mis­sions ex­per­i­ence. She spent 1976 in Tan­za­nia un­der the Af­ri­ca In­land Mis­sion. Up­on her re­turn, she set­tled in Port­land, Or­e­gon, where she learned word pro­cess­ing and did ed­it­ing and proof­read­ing.
In 1990, Su­san de­cid­ed to go back to school to learn how to work with vi­su­al­ly im­paired and blind adults. She re­ceived her MA in re­hab­il­i­ta­tion teach­ing of the blind from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ar­kan­sas at Lit­tle Rock in 1991. She then moved to Fort Col­lins, Col­o­ra­do, where she worked as an ed­it­or and desk­top pub­lish­ing tech­ni­cian for 10 years and did vol­un­teer re­habilita­tion teach­ing in her spare time. Much of Susan’s ed­it­ing and desk­top pub­lish­ing work was on books pro­duced by the Mis­sions Com­miss­ion of World Evan­gel­ic­al Al­li­ance, in­clud­ing Work­ing Your Way to the Na­tions, Too Val­u­a­ble to Lose, Send Me!, Glob­al Mis­si­ol­o­gy for the 21st Cen­tu­ry, and Doing Mem­ber Care Well. She al­so worked part time for Emer­gen­cy World, a com­pa­ny that pro­duc­ed train­ing ma­ter­ia­ls for emer­gen­cy re­sponse per­son­nel. Susan moved back to Or­e­gon in 2002, where she continued the same work she did in Col­o­ra­do.

For sev­er­al years, Susan worked with Wyc­liffe As­so­ci­ates as part of a team that helped key­board Bi­bles and New Tes­ta­ments that were print­ed be­fore the age of com­put­ers and that need­ed to be put in­to elec­tron­ic for­mat, so that they could be up­dat­ed or adapt­ed for other lan­guage­s.
Susan’s ca­reer as a hymn writ­er be­gan in 1997, when she set a goal of writ­ing 100 hymns. Her me­thod was to sel­ect a pass­age of Scrip­ture for each song and then find a hymn tune that seemed to fit the pass­age. She thus com­bined the en­dur­ing Word of God with mel­o­dies that have stood the test of time. Her songs were a bless­ing to her, and she was pleased to be able to share them with others.

Alpha, Omega
Ascribe to the Lord Our God
Be Now Im­i­tat­ors of Your Lord
Be Strong in God
Behold, These Words Are Trust­worthy and True
Blest Are the Poor
Blest Is the Man
Christ a Blind Man Saw One Day
Clothe Your­self with Hu­mil­i­ty
Come and Hear the Words of Je­sus
Come un­to Me
Count It Joy
Cursed Is the One Who Trusts in Man
Do Not Be Sur­prised
Do Not Wor­ry
Earth Be­longs to the Lord, The
Everyone Should Be Quick to List­en
Faith Means We’re Sure
Faith of Our Bro­thers
For un­to Us a Child Is Born
Give Thanks to God the Lord
God, Keep Me Safe
God Most High, We Praise You
God, the Bless­ed and On­ly Rul­er
God the Lord Does Ask
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
He Has Giv­en Us His Prom­is­es
Hear Now My Praise, O Lord
Holy, Ho­ly, Lord God Al­mighty
How Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure?
How Good It Is, Lord
How Great the Love
How Ma­ny Are Your Works, Lord
I Am the Lord, Your God
I Am the Vine
I Extol You, O Lord
I Kneel Be­fore You, Lord
I Praise You, Lord
If Any Per­son Is in Christ
If You Love Me
If You Would Come Af­ter Me
In You, O Lord, I Put My Trust
It Is Good to Praise th’Al­mighty
Jesus, the Good Shep­herd
Just Trust in Me
Kingdom of Your Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther, The
Let Not Your Hearts Be Trou­bled
Let Your Mind­set Be the Same
Live with Each Other in Love
Lord, I Ex­tol Your Name
Lord, We Come and Of­fer Praise
Lord, You Have Been Our Dwell­ing
Lord, You Have Searched Me
Lord, You’ve Called Us as Your Ser­vants
Love Must Be Sin­cere and Hon­est
Lovely, O Lord, Is Your Dwell­ing Place
Majestic Is Your Name
Man Named Ni­co­dem­us, A
My God, in Whom I Trust
My Light and My Sal­va­tion
My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone
Now Let Us Love Each Other
Now That You’ve Tast­ed
O Come, Let Us Sing
O God, You Are My God
O Lord, Life Is Sac­red
O Lord, You Reign o’er Earth and Sea
O Lord, You’re My Shep­herd
O May All the Peo­ples Praise You
O Shout for Joy
Oh, How Ma­jes­tic and Glor­i­ous
Oh, the Depth of God’s Wis­dom
One Day There’ll Be New Earth and Hea­ven
One Named Laz­a­rus
Praise Be un­to Our God Ephe­sians
Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him
Praise, O Serv­ants of the Lord
Praise the Lord, My Soul
Put Off Your Old Self Whol­ly
Rejoice in God
Savior, Like a Shep­herd
Since Through God’s Mer­cy
Since We Are Now Sur­rounde­d
Since We Have Con­fi­dence
Sing to the Lord
Sing with Joy
This God’s Our God
Though I Speak
To Whom Will You Com­pare God?
Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart
Unto You I Lift My Soul Up
Up to the Hills I Look
We Now Have Peace with God
We Thank You, Lord
Wedding Took Place, A
Well Done, Good and Faith­ful Ser­vant
What Good Can Come?
What Shall We Say?
Where Can One Look for

Texts by Susan H. Peterson (65)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A man named Nicodemus to Jesus came one nightSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
A wedding took place in the village of CanaSusan Peterson (Author)English2
Alpha, Omega, beginning and endSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Ascribe to the Lord our GodSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Be now imitators of your LordSusan Peterson (Author)English2
Be strong in God and in His powerSusan Peterson (Author)English2
Behold, these words are trustworthy and trueSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Blest are the poor, whose spirits know their needSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Blest is the man who trusts the LordSusan Peterson (Author)1
Christ a blind man saw one daySusan Peterson (Author)English2
Clothe yourself with humilitySusan Peterson (Author)English2
Come and hear the words of Jesus, who holds the seven starsSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Count it joy, and never be discouragedSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Cursed is the one who trusts in manSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Do not be surprised at the suffering you bearSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Do not worry for your lifeSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
என்ன நன்மை விஸ்வாசத்தால்? (Eṉṉa naṉmai visvācattāl?)Susan H. Peterson (Author)Tamil2
Everyone should be quick to listen--hear now and heed--Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Faith means we're sure of what we hope to getSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Faith of our brothers, suffering soreSusan H. Peterson (Adapter)English2
"Fear not, "your Maker now proclaimsSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
For unto us a child is born, To us a son is givenSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Give thanks to God the Lord, Upon his name now callSusan H. Peterson, 1950-2004 (Author)English2
God chose us to be in ChristSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God, keep me safe; in You I refuge takeSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God Most High, we praise You, honor, and exalt YouSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God spoke to Jonah and gave him commandSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God, the blessed and only RulerSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God the Lord does ask us to do a taskSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
God's great power divine now has given usSusan Helen Peterson (Author)English2
Hallelujah, praise the Lord, From the heavens and heights, give praise (Peterson)Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Holy, holy, Lord Almighty, He who was and is to comeSusan Helen Peterson (Author)English2
How can I, Lord, keep my way pure?Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
How good it is, Lord, to sing Your praisesSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
I am the vine; My Father is the gardenerSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
I am the way, the truth the life, Just follow Me and leave your strifeSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
I extol you, O Lord, Hear the praises I voiceSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
If you dwell beneath the shelterSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
If you love Me, I now saySusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
If you would come after Me, to your self say noSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
It is good to praise th’ AlmightySusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Let not your hearts be troubled or cast downSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Let your mindset be the sameSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Lord, I extol You with all my heartSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Lord, we come and offer praise--Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Love must be sincere and honestSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
My light and my salvation, O Lord, whom shall I fear?Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
O God, my heart is steadfastSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
O Lord, life is sacred, a gift from aboveSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
O weary one, weighed down by careSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
One day there'll be new earth and Heaven, for the first will soon pass awaySusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
One named Lazarus was sickSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, my soul, O praise Him; All within me praise His nameSusan H. Peterson, 1950-2004 (Author)English2
Rejoice in God our Lord alwaysSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Se eu vivo no abrigoSusan H. Peterson (Author)Portuguese2
Since through God's mercy this ministry's oursSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Since we have confidence to come to GodSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
The earth belongs to the Lord, The world and all who live thereSusan Helen Peterson (Author)English2
Though I speak in every languageSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; Your mind's own wisdom you must rejectSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
We thank You, Lord, and worship You with gladnessSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
What good can come from faith alone?Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
What shall we say? If God indeed is for usSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
Where can one look for wisdom?Susan H. Peterson (Author)English2
You laid the earth's foundationSusan H. Peterson (Author)English2
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