1. Dear little pilgrim, pressing on
To Canaan's happy land
O, can you hear your Saviour's voice,
And follow his command?
Yes, I will go where Jesus went,
Not fearing Jordan's wave;
The Well beloved the Father sent
I know is strong to save.
2. My Saviour calls me to his side
Lord, I will follow thee!
I know thine angels still abide
With little ones like me.
With joy I'll go where he shall lead,
My Guide he'll surely be
Who gave me life and friends and home,
And gave himself to me.
3. I walk the path his footsteps trod,
I gaze on hill and vale
His presence blessed, I view the sea
Where Jesus calmed the gale;
I shall be safe, kept by his power
Who rules the angry wave;
Tho' sorrows press and dangers lower
He ever lives to save!
4. And now, by faith, in Jordan's flood
Obeying his command,
Saved by the water and the blood
His child, redeemed, I stand!
He careth for his little ones,
He bids them "Come to Me.
Of such as these, shall, in that day
My heavenly kingdom be!"
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #150