1 Dearest, holy, wounded Lamb!
Thou art still my constant Lover;
At thy Feet I blush with Shame,
When thy Beauties I discover;
There I die and live again,
Here I Life divine obtain.
2 In thy Wounds I shall abide;
There I find my great Salvation;
There defy the swelling Tide,
And the Strength of each Temptation;
Deep inlaid in Jesu's Heart,
He with me can never part.
3 O! his Grace and Love, how free!
Everlasting and unchanging;
Strange its Influence on me,
Pow'rfully my Heart estranging
From all, but the Man who dy'd,
None but Jesus crucify'd.
4 Can it be that I should prove
These thy Riches, O my Saviour,
Live in thee, the Source of Love,
There redeem'd and blest for-ever?
Sure thy Grace, my God, is free,
Else it ne'er had favour'd me.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #II.XVIII