1 Do thou, just God, a just man's pray'r attend;
O listen to the cry that comes unfeign'd;
2 At thy tribunal David asks redress,
With pitying eye behold his sad distress.
3 Oft hast thou prov'd me in the silent night,
And found the purpose of my heart was right;
Oft view'd my secret soul, and found, in nought
My tongue e'ar differ'd from my inmost thought.
4 Thy word my rule, and govern'd by thy fear;
I from the works of impious men kept clear.
5 O still preserve me in the path I've trod;
O let me firmly tread, all-gracious God.
6 Thee have I oft invok'd, for thou wilt hear;
List, while I plead; incline thy gracious ear:
7 Shew me thy mercy, thou, whose potent arm
Defends the soul, that trusts in thee, from harm.
8 Thy wings protectful o'er my steps extend;
Me, as the apple of the eye, defend
9 From that abandon'd crew, my peace that wound;
From those my foes, that compass me around;
10 Who, with their wealth elate, forget their God,
And in their guilt are insolently proud.
11 In ev'ry secret place they lay the snare;
And 'gainst my life their wily schemes prepare:
12 Like to the lion, that expects his prey,
Or like his whelp, they keep my soul at bay.
13 Arise, O Lord; confound their villainy;
From their destructive toils thy servant free;
14 Thy sword they are; thy wisdom lets them reign;
Thou giv'st them here a wide, a large domain,
In wealth they flow, and, when they breathe no more,
Their num'rous sons possess their shining store.
15 For me, by innocence of heart I'll strive
Still in thy favour, in thy light, to live;
Enough, O gracious God, enough for me
To view in bliis thy glorious majesty.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #XVII