1 Do you hear the voices calling?
Listen children, that you may,
Do you hear the baby voices,
From the land so far away?
Do you hear the loving Savior,
Calling you to work and pray?
If you wait, some baby voices
Will have died so far away.
2 Little arms to mother clinging,
Little lips of ruby hue,
Little hearts that wait for Jesus,
Who will send Him? why not you?
Do you know the Savior loves them
As he did in days of old?
Yearns to fold them to His bosom
When they’ve heard the story told.
3 Do you hear the Savior pleading
“Suffer them to come to me?
Bring, O bring my precious jewels;
Gather them from land and sea?”
Will you send to them the story
Of that Savior and His love?
Tell them how He wants to lead them
To the heav’nly home above.
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #148