1 Each day we live the Christian life
we're sorely tried — without, within;
but God the Spirit gives us strength
to wage a constant war with sin.
2 It's in our weakness that we find
He gives the help we greatly need
to honour Christ in all our ways,
as from the power of sin we're freed.
3 When deep within our swelling hearts
the thoughts of pride and envy rise,
when bitter words are on our tongues
and tears of passion in our eyes,
4 He helps us keep our self-control;
sends grace to check the hasty word;
give gentle answers back again
and fight a battle for our Lord.
5 So far as it depends on us,
we'll live in peace as Christians should;
we'll not be overcome by wrong,
but overcome all wrong with good.
6 All His disciples on this earth
have their own painful cross to take
but, in the Holy Spirit's power,
we'll live our lives for Jesus' sake.
Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #462