1 Easter day, Easter day,
Glory streams o’er thy way;
Fairest of flow’rs
Crowning thine hours,
Joy is thine, day divine!
Praise we bring to Him,
Songs we sing to Him;
Carols jubilant would we raise,
Easter day, Easter day,
Songs and flow’rs
Crown thine hours,
O day of days.
2 Easter day, Easter day,
Light of life shines for aye;
He who was slain,
Liveth again,
Bright thy rays, day of days! [Refrain]
3 Easter day, Easter day,
Christ is King, own His sway;
‘Neath the fair skies
Carols arise,
Dawn so bright, day of light! [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #209