Elsie Duncan Yale

Short Name: Elsie Duncan Yale
Full Name: Yale, Elsie Duncan, 1873-1956
Birth Year: 1873
Death Year: 1956

Born: Oc­to­ber 21, 1873, Brook­lyn, New York.
Died: Jan­u­a­ry 30, 1956, San Ber­nar­di­no Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia.
Pseudonym: Grace Gor­don.
Elsie’s fa­ther was New York Shipp­ing Com­miss­ion­er Charles C. Dun­can.



Elsie Duncan Yale is a published author. Published credits of Elsie Duncan Yale include Challenge to youth: An unusual service for children's day with complete pageant and Christmas at Jollyville Junction: A play for young folks.


Grace Gordon

Texts by Elsie Duncan Yale (418)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A royal way we treadElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
A shepherd in the starlightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Advance for Christ! There's a world in needElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
All hail, O radiant mornElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
All is light where he is leadingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
All thy works shall praise thee, King most highElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Angels are telling the tidings of peaceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Angels of light angels so brightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Anything for Jesus would I gladly doElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
As eastern children came, a Savior to acclaimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
As midnight hush so calm and stillElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Awake, awake, behold the orient lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Awake, O earth. let joyful praise ascendElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Be strong, be strong in JesusElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Be Thou our guide, O Man of GalileeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Be ye strong in strength divineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Bear another's burdens, speak a word of cheerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Beside the sea, the multitude were throngingElsie Dundan Yale (Author)English1
Bethlehem, blessing shall crownElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Bethlehem, welcome thy royal guestElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Bless the Lord, bless the Lord, O ye landsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Bless ye the glorious KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Blessed bells, gospel bellsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Blessed lakeside where memory lingersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Blessed songs of Christmas pealingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Blest morn of gloryElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Bloom in my heart todayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Book of the ages, guide our wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Born in a manger so lowlyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Bright glories crownElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Bright skies are bendingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Bright sunlit shore where once He taughtElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Brightly the sunlight is gleaming todayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Bring ye your flowersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Building for his glory, trusting him aloneElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Burdened and wearyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
By a child so lowlyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
By his cross triumphantElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Called by the King unto serviceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Called to serve Him, heavenly King of gloryElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Called to service royal, Strong in courage loyalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Can I doubt him, my Father so tenderElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Carol a song of ChristmasElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Carol so merrily, Carol so cheerilyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Carol ye at Christmas tideElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Caroling on, caroling on, O herald ye the Christmas mornElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Children came their Savior seekingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Children in the temple praising Christ the LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Chosen by Christ our KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Christ has called the loyalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Christ has need of workersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Christ is risen, Christ is risen, Seek ye the King whoElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Christ of all the ages, we would seek Thy wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Christ would have us brave, for courage he suppliesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Christmas cheer has crowned the world with wondrous lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Christmas star that shoneElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Christmas stars are shiningElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Church of Jesus forward pressingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Clad in armor all unfailingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Come before the Lord with songElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Come, O come ye, O seek his courts with praiseElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Come sing again a joyful songElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Come we 'neath the shrouded skiesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Come with him to GalileeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Come ye to Nazareth, and ye shall findElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Come ye with carolsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Comes again the time of mirthElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Conquest calls us forth to the frayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Conquest shall be our watchwordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Crown, O crown Him ConquerorElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Darkness is over the deepElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Days of rejoicingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Daystar of beauty excellingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Down in the meadows the daisies so fairElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Down through the yearsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Earth has decked herself in glad arrayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Easter day, Easter day, Glory streams over thy wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Easter gladness now proclaimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Eastern skies with light aflameElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Faithful and fearless, go forth 'neath His guidingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Far and wide a song of triumph ringsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Father hear, Father hearElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Father in love Watching aboveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Father O hear us, In Thy love be near usElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Fields are garbed in beautyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Fishers, toiling day by dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Fishers, was your toil but vainElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Fling afar the bannersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Fling out the flagElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Fling wide the portals! For the King of glory waitsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Flowers of the field, how fair ye growElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Flowers of the field blooming 'neath skies so fairElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
For service now preparingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Forth from gloom to gloryElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Forth to find a taskElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Forward, and follow the Lord our KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Forward, and follow the risenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Forward, following the bannerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Forward press, O soldiers trueElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Forward press, the Conqueror reignethElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
Forward to the kingly conquestElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Forward today, with our hearts aglowElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
From the meadows gone are shadowsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
From the ocean's rolling tideElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Garden fair, thy flowersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Garlands with gladnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Gentle Jesus, come, O comeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Give thanks, give thanks for mercies ever newElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Give thanks, give thanks, forget not all His loveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Glad of heart I forward pressElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Gladly we follow his guidingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Glory, glory, gladnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Glory is thine, for loElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Go forth, for banners ever gloriousElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Go forth for him, go forth for himElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Go forth, go forth to GalileeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Go ye, serve your LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
God be with you, motherElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
God loves a cheerful giverElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
God with us, God with usElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
God's word is like a lamp divineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Gone is the sunset splendorElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Gospel bells are sounding, ringing, ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Great and marvelous, great and marvelousElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Great are thy works, Jehovah, great and glorious are thy works, O LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Hail, glad hours, for the larkElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Hail, joyous Easter dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Happy children came, praised the Savior's nameElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Hark, the forest voicesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Hark, the trumpet ringing clear Haste, O hasteElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Hark to the forest's glad voicesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Haste away to harvest for the fields are whiteElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Haste from afarElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Haste with adoration o'erElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Have ye been to NazarethElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Have ye heard the Easter storyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Have ye never heard of a ShepherdElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Have ye seen Him in the gloryElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Have ye seen him on the hillElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Have you found the GalileanElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Have you heard His word where ocean waves are soundingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Have you heard of the fishers of oldenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Have you heard the story of the sheepElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Have you heard the whisper of the breezeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English11
Have you sought them, have you sought themElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
He is our Savior, he is our helperElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
He lives, O message softly breathedElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English6
He waits for thee with wondrous graceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English8
He who blessed the childrenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Hear the happy voices ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Heaven was near a hillside, on that sunlit dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Here is the sadness, there is the peaceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Hills in their beauty so vernalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
His boundless love my life has crownedElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Hold fast the faith all gloriousElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Hold ye fast to His promise of strengthElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Homeward, homeward over the rolling oceanElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
How can I help but praise HimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
I am anchored to his goodnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
I hear the Galilean gently callingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
I heard my master gently sayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
I hold a secret, dollyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
I may be a light for HimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
I once was down in depth of sinElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
I think of the ChristElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
I will be a sunbeamElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
If Jesus comes into your heart to stayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
I'll follow Him, I'll follow Him To pastures green and fairElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English7
I'm glad that He cares for the childrenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
I'm trusting in my Pilot, Who shall keep my ship from harmElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
In glories eternal of mansions aboveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
In His strength be strong, though the way be longElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
In my work or in my playElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
In our garden we can findElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
In the days of olden, came a throng who soughtElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
In the fields of fadeless lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
In the garden of the MasterElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
In the gardens of JuneElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
In the King's highway, let us haste this dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
In the paths of life from day to dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
In the ranks so true there's a place for youElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English14
In the royal ranks rejoicingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
In the service of the King ever loyalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
In the spirit of the Master we would live from day to dayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Into thy paths O lead usElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Is it nothing to you that a sin sick worldElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Jesus came a light divineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Jesus, dear Jesus, our giftsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Jesus ever is the children's FriendElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Jesus, hear our birthday prayerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Jesus needs the children, we may help the KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Jesus of Nazareth, guide thou our wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Jesus once taught by thy beautiful shoreElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Jesus, thou our teacher beElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Joy divine and peaceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Joy has come to Judah's landElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Joy of the JunetideElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Joy our path shall cheerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Joyous birds your praisesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Joyous in his serviceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Just for today He giveth lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Just to tell the Savior's storyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
Keep in step with teaching of His wordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
King from on high, we wouldElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
King of kings enthroned in glory, Where the star-crowned seraphs singElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
King of love, we seekElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Launch away the lifeboat, though the waves are rolling highElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Let the waking world adore himElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Let us gather nowElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Light of the world, thy rays shall guideElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Like as a father, God on His throneElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Lilies on the Easter morningElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Lilies that are whiteElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
List, the song we hear from a distant yearElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
List to the words of the King of loveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Little bird, little bird On the leafy sprayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Little child of long agoElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Little children came to JesusElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Little flowers of summertime Sleep beneath the snowElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Little hands for Jesus, There is work to doElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Little stars that shine so fairElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Lo, the crimson banners loyalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Lo the golden fields of harvest wait todayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Lo, the signals flyingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Lord not for worldly wealth I prayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Lord of all, Lord of all, fill with praiseElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Lord of Galilee, Lord of Galilee, We Thy voice of love would now obeyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English7
Love of the Father, changeless, divineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Loving me ere I knew HimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Loyalty, our watchword Evermore shall beElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Make me, dear Father, a blessingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
March on, march on, with steadfast heart and strongElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English9
Master, on Calvary we see thee in anguishElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Mercies unmeasured are filling the hoursElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
'Mid the Galilean hills so fairElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Mindful of his mercies, boundless, freeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Mountains and vales in your verdure cladElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
My Father's hand is clasped in mineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
My Savior is my Shepherd so tender and so kindElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
My Savior's hand is on the helmElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
My Shepherd leads me all the wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Near when we need Him, Our master, Savior, LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
Neath darkened skies we sadly fareElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Neath the skies of springElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
No room in thy life for the SaviorElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
Not far away, the Christ is nearElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Not my own, for Jesus bought meElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Not our own, talents that He has lent usElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Nothing but the best for JesusElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Now fades the day in crimson lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
O blessed Book, whose GloryElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O blessed fields of JudahElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
O come ye unto NazarethElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O happy days, o golden daysElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
O happy woodland voicesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
O little lad of NazarethElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O radiant morn, thy rosy light In eastern skies is beaming brightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O shining portal, O gates of lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
O silver even-star, gleam in the sky afarElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O sunlit ways of GalileeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O sunny slope which Jesus soughtElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
O the Captain calls for His soldiersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
O the holy light is gleamingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
O the yoke of Jesus is but lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
O win the world for Jesus, for the call is soundingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Over life's wild seaElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
O'er sunlit ways glad notesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Overshadowed are the skiesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
On, On to Victory, the trumpet call is soundingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
On! To Golden portalsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Once there was a starElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Only a touch of the wounded handElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Onward, onward, soldiers of the crossElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English5
Our Father gives us happy hoursElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Out on an ocean wide we sailElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Over our pathway glowingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Over the earth is a Father's loveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Over the hills O hear an echo gladElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Pass on the torch, pass on the torchElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Perfect peace the gardenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Pilot me Savior in sunshineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Pilot of Galilee, ever we trustElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Press on in the royal wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Rejoice, rejoice, See ye the portalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Rejoicing in redeeming loveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
¡Resucitó! La nueva dadElsie Duncan Yale (Author)Spanish2
Return, return to blossomingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Ringing through the hushElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Rivers to the ocean flowingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Roll on, O sunlit seaElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Room for the little childrenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Roses at June's fair portalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Roses in gardens are glowingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Royal Babe, in rest so lowlyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Safe anchored for Christ is keepingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Sailing home, sailing homeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Saw ye the Son of Man our burdens bearingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Seek not with sadness, O mourn not your crucified KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Seek we at early mornElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Shine for Him, shine for HimElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Shine on, silver starElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Shining for Thee, shining for TheeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Silvering the gloomElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Sing ye angels at His tomb, AlleluiaElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Skies of the summer are glowingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Soft over the meadows whispers a breezeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Softly, and low night breezesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Softly the breeze is singingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Softly the light of EasterElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Someone has need of kindnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Songs of rejoicing ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Spread the sails rejoicing, hasten over the foamElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Spring, spring, Hail thy glad appearingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Star in beauty beamingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Stars glowing brightlyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Stars shining in the midnight gloomElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Strong in the strength of the King all immortalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Sufficient grace for every needElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Summer is coming o'er forestElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Summer with her sceptreElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Sunbeams for Jesus ever would we beElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Sunlight is fading in quiet skies afarElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Sunlit sea what memories goldenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English8
Sunshine has scattered the gloomElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Sweet is the path of promiseElsie Duncan Yale (Author)4
Sweet it is to serve him and his yoke to bearElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Sweet the toil for him who gave usElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Take thy cross, O hear the Master's voiceElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
The Bible is a wondrous mineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The Church marches on, through tribulationElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The cross of Christ shall conquerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The cross of Jesus goes beforeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
The heavens are telling the glory of God, And all the host on highElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The heavens declare the glory of the LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The heavens his gloriesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
The heavens proclaim him Lord of mightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
The mighty hills encirclingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
The path of His choosing leads onward to lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
The pilgrims throng through the city gatesElsie D. Yale (Author)English1
The royal banners lead the wayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
The royal command shall claim each heartElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
The silvery bells are ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
The sunshine of a Savior's loveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The trumpet calls to triumph, a glorious victory waitsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
The world is the Lord's and the heavens on highElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
There are countless blessings all our way adorningElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
There are fields that to harvest are whiteElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English23
There are harvest fields which whitenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)4
There are words like music ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
There is news, glad news for the childrenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
There is peace that passeth knowledge, there is hope that conquers fearElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
There's a Galilean call, follow meElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English6
There's a glory bright fills earth with lightElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
There's a happy harbor, safe from storm and seaElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
There's a message from my FatherElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
There's a Shepherd who goes over the mountains steepElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
There's a song so sweetly ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
There's a stream of mercy deep and wideElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
There's a task for helpers trueElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
There's a thought that comes all happiness to bringElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
There's a word of cheer and kindnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
There's a work for Jesus, ready at your handElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English8
There's a work that waits your handElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
There's an armor given, by the King's commandElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
There's an army true and loyal, Marching onward, marching onwardElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
There's never a friend like JesusElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
There's welcome at the mangerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
There's work that waits a willing handElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Thou art near, O FatherElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Thou didst ariseElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Thou hast come from royal dwellingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Thou our Rock unfailingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Thou the Life, the TruthElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Though the shades are veilingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Though thy sins may be as scarletElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Thousands thronged a quiet shoreElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Time is passing by, my race will soon be runElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
'Tis done for theeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
'Tis His challenge ringingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
'Tis joy to go where Jesus leadsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
'Tis whispered low as the breezes blowElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
To thy garden, shadowed gardenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Today for the wanderer the Father waitsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
'Twas a Shepherd, a loving ShepherdElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Under the stars is a silent townElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Under the sunset skyElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Unto the Lord in their blindnessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Wake, for the morning flings her bannersElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
Wake, O ye woodlandsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
We come 'neath azure skies of MayElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
We fain would follow JesusElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
We find our Father everywhereElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
We have seen a star celestialElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
We march beneath the banner of our Savior KingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
We may not be the sowers Who scatter precious seedElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
We see the lofty mountains highElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Welcome, O radiant rosesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Welcome the summer, blossomsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
Welcome to the summer's goldenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1
What now is dwelling within my heartElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
When by faith I saw my LordElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
When I reach my Father's dwellingElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
When I reach the golden portalElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
When I speak to Him in prayerElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
When the evening shadows blessElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Where shall we find a lamp to shineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Wherefore sing ye, praises bring yeElsie Duncan Yale (Author)2
Who are these beside the seaElsie Duncan Yale (Author)3
With a greeting true we would welcome youElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
With a joyful song we will march alongElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
With Christ our Pilot tried and trueElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Wonderful gifts from heaven aboveElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English1
Wondrous are the gifts divineElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English2
Wondrous are the mercies daily sent from heavenElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English6
Wondrous the word, sweetly 'tis heardElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Wondrous words of joy and love, Jesus savesElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English4
Word eternal that shall ever endureElsie Duncan Yale (Author)English3
Ye merry birds on pinionsElsie Duncan Yale (Author)1

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