Even as Thou saidst, the Spirit came,
In fiery tongues of living flame;
And men were moved to spread abroad,
The Wisdom of th’ Incarnate God.
And nations heard the truth, and gave
Their souls to Him who came to save;
And toiling in their sins, arose
The power of Satan to oppose.
Even as Thou saidst; the Spirit’s power
Came at the Pentecostal hour,
And drooping souls with zeal were fired,
And felt the life that power inspired.
Even as Thou saidst, the Spirit’s voice
Spake to dull hearts, and bade rejoice;
And men that dwelt in sorrow’s night,
Felt hope awake as morning light.
Even as Thou saidst; His power can still
Our empty lives to fulness fill;
Can charge with hope, with zeal inspire,
And kindle life, and light, and fire.
Even as Thou saidst!—O Spirit, come,
Make with Thy people here Thy home;
In all their need Thy gifts supply,
And Christ our Lord still glorify.
Hymns from the East, 1907