1 Exalted praises, let us sing,
Exalted praises, to our King;
Exalted praises, raise in songs of love,
Exalted praises, soar above.
Praise we our God who loves us,
Sing praises, sing praises!
Praise we our God who saves us,
Exalted praises.
Praise we our God who keep us,
Sing praises, sing praises!
Join all ye earth in the chorus,
Exalted praises.
2 Praise God the Father, God the Son,
Blest Holy Spirit, Three in One;
With hearts and voices raise as incense sweet
Exalted praises, God to greet. [Refrain]
3 Angelic choirs take up the strain!
Earth’s mighty anthem sound again!
Exalted praises, waft them to the sky,
Exalted praises, ne’er to die. [Refrain]
4 O earth, your myriad notes awake,
High heav’n, your golden glories break;
And saints in glory, now your homage bring,
Exalted praises, to the King. [Refrain]
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #1