1 Father, a name so dear, so old,
I see in letters all of gold;
Letters which reach from earth to heav’n,
Telling of love so freely given;
A love that gave His Son to die,
That He might hear us when we cry,
As we nestle by His side,
Father, my Father, be my guide.
2 Father, the angels cannot say,
For “Holy, Holy,” is their lay;
Those for whom the Saviour died,
One with Him, the crucified,
Can only claim that loving word,
“Father, my Father and my Lord.”
I may cry close by His side,
“Father, my Father and my guide.”
3 Father, dear Father, now I cry,
I would not wait till by-and-by;
But with my hand in Thine would go
On thro’ the years that swiftly flow,
On to Thy home—the mansions bright—
To dwell forever in Thy sight.
Now and ever is my prayer,
“Father, my Father, guide me there.”
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #309