1 “Follow me!” rings out to the world today,
In a clear, commanding tone;
For the Lord our King, and the cause we love,
There is work that must be done.
He is passing by, and he calls again,
As he called in days of old;
O arise, and go! he will lead the way,
And your mission will unfold.
Follow on where he may lead you,
Tho’ you may not understand
What his will may be, or his need of thee,
Yet be loyal to his command.
2 Tho’ it be to fields that are far away,
He should call you to repair;
Falter not, but go! let his will be thine,
Ready be the cross to bear.
Let your faith increase as the days go by,
Tho’ you walk thro’ valleys dim;
Jesus goes before you to guard and guide,
Follow on, and trust in him. [Refrain]
3 There’s a task for you, and a work for me,
That no other hands can do;
Shall we prove to him who has called us forth,
Idle servants, and untrue?
His command is giv’n,—we have heard the call,
And our labors shall not cease,
Till with victory we are crowned at last
By the conq’ring Prince of Peace. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #114