1 For Zion's sake I will not rest,
I will not hold my peace
Until Jerusalem be blest
And Judah dwell at ease:
2 Until her righteousness return
As daybreak after night--
The lamp of her salvation burn
With everlasting light.
3 The Gentiles shall her glory see,
And kings declare her fame;
Appointed unto her shall be
A new and holy name.
4 The watchmen on her walls appear,
And day and night proclaim,
Zion's Deliverer is near;
Make mention of his name.
5 The Lord upholds her with his hand,
And claims her for his own--
The diadem of Judah's land
The glory of his crown.
6 Go through, go through, prepare the way,
The gates wide open fling;
With loudest voice let heralds say,
Behold thy coming King.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #574