1 Friends all around us are trying to find
What the heart yearns for, by sin undermined;
I have the secret, I know where 'tis found:
Only in Jesus true pleasures abound.
All that I want is in Jesus;
He satisfies, joy He supplies;
Life would be worthless without Him,
All things in Jesus I find.
2 Some carry burdens whose weight has for years
Crushed them with sorrow and blinded with tears;
Yet One stands ready to help them just now,
If they with faith and in penitence bow. (Chorus)
3 No other name thrills the joy chords within,
And thro' none else is remission of sin;
He knows the pain of the heart sorely tried,
All of its needs will in Him be supplied. (Chorus)
4 Jesus is all this poor world needs today;
Blindly men strive, for sin darkens the way.
O to draw back the grim curtains of night--
One glimpse of Jesus, and all will be bright. (Chorus)
Source: Hymns of Faith #185