1 Fully trust the loving Saviour,
Weary, doubting soul,
Give thy life, with all its trials,
Into his control.
Trust him, trust him,
Trust the Saviour day by day;
Though thy path be rough and lonely,
Trust him, trust him all the way.
2 Trust him when thy heart is aching,
When thy load of care
Seemeth to thy fainting spirit
More than thou canst bear. [Refrain]
3 Trust the Saviour when the storm-clouds
Veil from view the light,
He is closer in the darkness
Than when skies are bright. [Refrain]
4 Trust the Saviour ’till each trouble
Of this life is o’er,
Then abiding in his glory,
Praise him evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #25