Glory shone within the gloom,
Vacant eyes in wonder gazed;
Shook the portals of the tomb,
And the prisoners stood amazed.
“Who is this in garb of light,
Come to chase our night away?
Who is this in glorious might,
Brings to us eternal day?”
“Back! the triumph has been won;”
Prone the powers of darkness lie,
At the feet of God’s own Son,
Fresh from fields of victory.
Glory, glory, life is ours!
Hades heard the shout and feared;
Sin and all satanic powers
Saw the Victor as He neared.
Burst the gates and cast them down,
Set the sighing prisoners free;
Fear not though the tyrant frown,
Christ hath purchased liberty,
Sin is crushed and death is slain,
See the Cross and Him who died!
From the grave He rose again,
Who for man was crucified.
Hail! the Resurrection day,
Hail! the gladness and the gain;
“He is risen,” the angels say,
Yea, the Lord is risen again.
Hymns from the East, 1907