1 “Go and sow beside all waters!”
Is the loving Lord’s command,
“If my blessedness on earth you’d truly know,
Cast the precious seed about you
With a glad and willing hand,
But remember you will reap just what you sow.
What you sow,
What you sow,
For the Master as you journey here below,
Seeds of everlasting life,
Or of discord, pain, and strife,
O remember you will reap just what you sow.
2 He that soweth to the spirit,
Spending talents, strength, and time,
For the speeding of the Gospel far and wide,
In his heart shall hear the joy-bells
Ring with sweet exultant chime,
Gain eternal life upon the other side. [Chorus]
3 Go and so, tho’ long the waiting
For the ripen’d fields of grain,
Be not weary in His service here below,
When the toiling time is over
A reward you shall obtain,
But remember you will reap just what you sow. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #54