Sanders, William, a Primitive Methodist minister, who was alive in 1881, but concerning whom we have no later information, left the home connexion after some years of labour, and undertook pastoral duty at Pottsville, U.S.A., in 1838. In the early days of the Primitive Methodist movement Sanders assisted H. Bourne (p. 165, i.) in compiling the hymn-books for the use of the Connexion. In hymn-writing they often worked together, and numerous hymns in the old collections of the denomination are signed jointly as, "H. B. & W. S.," and again as “W. S. & H. B." In the Primitive Methodist Hymnal of 1887 the following hymns are by him from the Collection of Hymns for Camp Meetings, &c, 1821, in which they are signed "W. S.":—
1. Behold, what… Go to person page >