1 God is my shepherd, I'll not want,
I feed in pastures green.
God grants me rest and bids me drink
from waters calm and clean.
Through daily tasks, I'm blessed and led
by one I have not one seen.
2 Restored to life each morning new,
I rise up from the dust
to follow God whose presence gives
me confidence and trust.
I praise the name of God today;
in God I put my trust.
3 When I must pass through shadowed vale,
where loss and death await,
I will not fear for God is there,
my shepherd strong and great,
whose rod and staff will comfort me
and all my fears abate.
4 No enemy can overcome,
no power on earth defeat
the one anointed by God's grace
and fed with manna sweet.
My cup is filled and overflows
as I my Savior greet.
5 Goodness and mercy all my days
will surely follow me;
and where God reigns in heaven and earth,
my dwelling place will be.
My shepherd blesses, cares, and leads
through all eternity.
Source: Chalice Hymnal #79