1 God, your voice called forth creation,
drawing mountains from the seas,
sculpting valleys, painting deserts,
filling fields with fruit and trees.
You infused the earth with music,
with a symphony of sound:
whistling winds and clapping thunder,
raindrops falling on the ground.
2 In the rhythm of the seasons,
night and day, year after year,
you brought order out of chaos,
that new life-forms might appear.
With an artist’s eye for beauty
and a crafter’s steady hand,
you began to fashion creatures
in the sea and air, on land.
3 Then you made us, man and woman,
in your image, each unique,
to envision and imagine,
to compose and write and speak,
to reflect on all creation
and the wonders that we share,
to relate to all your creatures
that surround us everywhere.
4 In the art that we envision,
and the songs that we compose,
in each story we imagine,
in ideas we propose,
may our work reflect your image
and our lives your holy ways,
that to you, our God, Creator,
we may offer grateful praise.
Source: Faith That Lets Us Sing: fifty new hymns and short worship songs #36