1. God’s words to thee are spoken:
Go forth, the fields to reap;
His promise is His token
That He thy soul will keep.
Heed not what voice may call thee,
Turn not one hour aside;
Though world and flesh entice thee,
Do thou in Christ confide.
2. He calls; why shouldst thou linger?
The harvest fields are white;
Should doubt or danger hinder,
Walk thou in God’s own light.
Go where and when He sends thee;
His will seek thou to know;
Thy God will ever lead thee,
And every step will show.
3. To all who go, obeying,
Rich promises He gives;
All needed strength conveying,
From Him who ever lives.
Thy way is straight before thee;
The gates are all unbarred;
While mighty love impels thee,
No pathway will be hard.
4. Go where the lost are dying,
Because of guilt and sin;
Go, on love’s pinions flying,
For Christ the world to win.
His grace will e’er sustain thee,
His strength shall thee enshrine;
No foe shall e’er o’erwhelm thee,
While Christ the Lord is thine.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1913