1 Grace and peace from God, our blessed Savior,
be with all who love his name;
church of Christ, his service deem a favor,
joyfully his death proclaim,
be prepared for rest or for employment,
from activity derive enjoyment,
serve with zeal and faithfulness,
filled with love his name confess.
2 Chosen flock, your faithful Shepherd follow,
who laid down his life for you;
all your days unto his service hallow,
each to be disciples true;
evermore rejoice to do his pleasure,
be the fullness of his grace your treasure;
should success your labor crown,
give the praise to him alone.
3 Gracious Father, bless this congregation
as the purchase of your Son;
for his sake behold us with compassion,
and us all your children own;
Jesus, grant to us your peace and favor;
Holy Ghost, dwell with us forever,
and to us Christ’s love explain;
hear us, Lord our God! Amen.
Source: Moravian Book of Worship #444