1 Happy little sowers, scatt’ring by the way
Precious seed for Jesus, serving every day;
Every word of kindness, every gentle deed,
Prompted by His Spirit, is a living seed.
Happy little workers, singing as we go,
Jesus, blessed Master, Makes the harvest grow.
2 We will watch the springing of the precious seeds,
Clear away the rubbish plucking up the weeds;
All who work for Jesus have a blessed share
In the song and gladness of the harvest fair. [Refrain]
3 Happy little reapers, we can surely yield
Glad and willing service in the busy field;
In some quiet corner, we can find a place,
Reaping for the Master, trusting in His grace. [Refrain]
4 Happy little gleaners, like the lovely Ruth,
Gath’ring wheat for Jesus in the hours of youth,
He is ever dropping blessings by the way,
Let us find and use them, thanking Him today. [Refrain]
5 Bind the sheaves together with the cord of love,
Till the waiting angels carry them above,
Casting out as worthless, chaff and withered leaves,
To the heav’nly garner, bringing golden sheaves. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #156