1 Have you the Pentecost fully received,
Ye who on Jesus the Lord have believed?
Has He, the Comforter promised, come in,
Cleansing, empow’ring and reigning within?
Refrain: “When He is come to you,” to you,
“When He is come to you,”
Souls will be won, and revivals begun
“When He is come to you.”
2 “When He is come,” still the promise is true,
Not to some other heart, but “unto you;”
He will reprove this lost world of its sin;
Salvation’s work shall in power begin. [Refrain]
3 When back to Pentecost God’s people go,
Old-time salvation in rivers shall flow;
Old-time conviction on sinners shall rest;
With old-time power His church shall be blest. [Refrain]
4 Souls will be lost if this grace we refuse,
God’s call to holiness dare to abuse;
Will you be true to the trust He has give’n,
Winning lost souls for the kingdom of heav’n? [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #136