1 He that observeth the winds shall not sow;
Let them blow, let them blow;
He that's discouraged success cannot know,
Let the bleak winds blow.
Jesus will shelter His own,
Guiding till life's work in done;
Be not discouraged, the Lord is thy stay;
Jesus will shelter His own.
2 Cold tho' the morning and chilly the day,
Let them blow, let them blow;
Summer is coming to drive them away,
Let the bleak winds blow. [Refrain]
3 Be not discouraged just wait on the Lord,
Let them blow, let them blow;
God in due season His help will afford,
Let the bleak winds blow. [Refrain]
4 Sow seeds of righteousness now while you may,
Let them blow, let them blow;
Sow for the harvest, 'tis coming some day,
Let the bleak winds blow. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #205