"He that overcomes through me,
Shall an heir of all things be,
I his God, and he My Son,"
Saith the True and Holy One.
What an heritage were this!
An eternity of bliss,
Heaven below and heaven above,
O the miracle of love!
"Abba! Father!" then might I
Through the Holy Spirit cry;
Heir of God, with Christ joint-heir,
Grace and glory call'd to share.
Can a worm such gifts receive?
Fear not, faint not, but believe,
He who gave His Son, shall He
Any good withhold from thee?
Know that thus the Father will'd,
Thus the Son His task fulfill'd,
That the Holy Ghost might thus
Dwell--the Deity in us.
Amen! true and faithful One,
So in me Thy work be done;
Into nothing let me fall,
Thou, my God, be all in all.
Sacred Poems and Hymns