1 Heav'nly Father, keep me near thee!
Let me never go astray!
When temptations fierce assail me,
Help me to resist, I pray!
Guide me, with thy word and spirit,
In the good and righteous way;
Thro' the Saviour's blood and merit,
Purge my stains of guilt away!
Guide me, with thy word and spirit,
In the good and righteous way;
Thro' the Saviour's blood and merit,
Purge my stains of guilt away!
Thro' the Saviour's blood and merit,
Purge my stains of guilt away!
2 I am feeble, frail, unstable,
Vile, corrupt, unclean within,
Thou art mighty, strong, and able,
To deliver me from sin.
Hear, O Lord, my supplication!
Listen to my earnest cry!
Grant me mercy and salvation,
Lest I perish, faint or die! [Chorus]
3 When my days are dark and dreary
With affliction, toil and grief,
When I'm lonely, and weary,
Give me succor and relief!
With thy powerful arm uphold me;
Lead me in thy perfect way;
Till with rapture I behold thee,
In the realms of endless day! [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #52