1 Heavenly Spirit, all others transcending,
Thou who with Father and Son dost abide!
Come Thou, our spirits in unity blending,
Come and make ready the heavenly bride!
Calling and gath'ring and Jesus declaring,
Building God's Church, shedding light from above,
Come, O Thou Spirit of God, never tiring,
Come and interpret God's wonderful love!
2 Merciful Jesus, with love never failing,
Sending Thy Spirit, the pledge ever new,
That Thy atonement for all is availing,
Faith ever sees that Thy promise is true.
Crowned are Thy servants with heavenly fire,
Speaking with hearts and with tongues all aflame;
Heavenly Spirit, our voices inspire,
That we may sing of His glorious name!
3 Heav'nly Consoler, with unction celestial,
Heal Thou the wounds of each sin-burdened heart!
Strengthen our faith and, with zeal Pentecostal,
Fill our faint souls and Thy blessings impart!
New hearts within us create and new spirits;
Lead us in truth and sustain us in woe;
Teach us true faith in the dear Savior's merits,
So that at death we Thy power may know!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #469