1 Helpful be each passing day,
For His dear sake;
Brighten some one’s gloomy way,
For His dear sake;
Dry a tear, dispell a care,
Some one’s weight of sorrow share,
“Scatter sunshine” everywhere,
For His dear sake!
“For His dear sake!” shall e’er our motto be!
For His dear sake! we’ll toil most loyally!
Drying tears, dispelling cares,
Each the other’s sorrow shares;
Each a smile of gladness wears,
For His dear sake!
2 Helpful be each passing day,
For His dear sake;
Show some wanderer the way,
For His dear sake;
Lighten trouble and distress,
Friendless ones befriend and bless,
Thrill with love and tenderness,
For His dear sake! [Refrain]
Helpful be each day you live,
For His dear sake;
Of your time and talents give,
For His dear sake;
Make His love your daily song;
Lessen sin and strife and wrong,
Try to swell the ransomed throng,
For His dear sake! [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #101