1 How blest is he, who ne'er consents to walk
By ill Advice nor dares to stand and talk
In Sinners' Way, their Vice and Cause maintaining
Nor sits with Scorners, Things divine profaning:
But in GOD's sacred Law takes great Delight,
Still reads by Day and meditates by Night.
2 Like some fair Tree, fix'd by the River's Side,
Which bends with Fruit, and spreads its Foliage wide;
So shall he flourish, Heav'n his Cause defending,
And sweet Success his good Designs attending:
In vain the Tempest strives to shake his Leaf,
The Son of Joy breaks thro' the clouds of Grief.
3 Not to the Wicked; they no Root shall find,
But fly like Chaff before the rapid Wind.
The Lord hath not their evil Ways approved,
Their Race shall therefore from the Earth be moved.
They shall not stand in GOD's most holy Sight,
Who only loves the Man that seeketh Right.
4 When GOD with Glory shall in Judgment come,
A conscious Guilt shall strike the Sinner dumb;
Nor to the Wicked will he grant a Station,
Among the pure and righteous Congregation:
The Ways of Justice, thus, to Bliss shall tend,
Whilst Sinners' Paths must in their Ruin end.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #I