1 How did the powers of darkness rage
Against the son of God!
While cruel men on earth engage
To shed his precious blood.
2 His friends forsook him with surprise,
When that dread scene began;
And one perfidiously denies
He ever knew the man.
3 How feeble human efforts prove
Against temptation's power!
E'en Peter's flaming zeal and love
Are vanquish'd in an hour.
4 His firmest purpose will not stand
Behold his guilt and shame!
Lord, keep me by thy mighty hand,
Or I shall do the same.
5 At length the suffering Savior turns,
And looks with pitying eyes;
Peter relents, withdraws and mourns,
And loud for mercy cries.
6 So boundless is Jehovah's grace,
He hears the humble prayer;
If I am found in Peter's case,
I would not still dispair.
7 Look on me, Lord, with eyes of love,
My wandering soul restore;
My guilt forgive, my fears remove,
And let me sin no more.
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #CCCXIV