1 How long outside wilt thou have Me stand?
How long shall I wait at the door?
How long shall I stretch to thee My hand?
How long thy love implore?
Behold, I stand at the door and knock,
Behold, I stand!
O let thy Saviour in!
2 O, let me in, I have brought to Thee
Rich dainties from My store;
I'll sup with thee and thou with Me;
Oh, open now the door! [Refrain]
3 Now is the time, oh arise, arise,
Break off Thy league with sin!
Nor longer still My voice despise,
Arise and let Me in. [Refrain]
4 No longer trust thine own vain heart,
Nor rich thyself esteem,
Buy in thy Lord a blessed part,
And find thy wealth in Him. [Refrain]
5 Let in My word, it will make thee free,
Receive the Holy Ghost;
Anoint thine eyes that thou mayest see,
Nor from the way be lost. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #256