1 How many today are rejecting the Lord,
And sadly, at heart are neglecting his word?
How many resist, all the pleadings of love,
So tender and sweet from the Savior above?
The Savior rejecting,
How can they be saved?
The gospel neglecting,
How can they be saved?
2 How many come not to the fountain of grace,
That floweth today, crimson stains to efface?
How many live on with a sin-burdened heart,
And oft from its door bid the Savior depart? [Refrain]
3 How many see not what is plain to perceive,
That now is the time to repent and believe?
How many today in not heeding the call,
Are strangers to Christ, as the Savior of all? [Refrain]
Source: Wondrous Love: A Collection of Songs and Services for Sunday Schools #64