1 I am nearing scenes celestial,
And rejoicing I go,
To the smiling fields of Eden,
Bliss immortal to know,
There is one who ever guides me,
In His love all the way,
Oh! no evil shall betide me,
And I never will stray.
He is faithful who hath promised,
Still my Pilot to be,
He will bear me over Jordan,
Where His beauty I’ll see.
2 Thro’ the distance to His palace,
In the morn seemed so long,
Now, as twilight closes ‘round me,
On I journey with song,
When the glory of my Savior
Is revealed to my sight,
I shall join the heav’nly chorus,
In the mansions of light. [Refrain]
3 Lo! I will be with you alway,
I will never forsake,
Saith the Lord, till in my likeness,
Ye with joy shall awake.
Where the tree of life is vernal,
Ever blooming and fair,
And where songs of praise eternal,
Float on heaven’s balmy air. [Refrain]
4 I am waiting, I am longing,
For the bright, golden day,
When His blessed voice shall call me
To that land far away.
And while here He bids me tarry,
Let me toil as I roam,
Till beyond the clouds and sorrows,
I shall praise Him at home. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 2 #173