1 I am on my way to glory, to the mansions bright,
Which the Saviour hath prepared us in the land of light.
I have left the world behind me, and I turned from sin away,
And by faith my soul is walking in the light of day.
Trusting the Lord, I'm walking the narrow way,
Fully redeemed, I'm happy and free today;
Freed from sin by faith in the Saviour's blood,
I am trav'ling home to God.
2 I am on my way to glory, 'twas God's grace divine
That to covet this salvation did my heart incline,
And 'tis grace alone will keep me in the safe and narrow way,
On the faithfulness of Jesus I rely each day. [Refrain]
3 I am on my way to glory, walking all by faith,
Not my faith but that of Jesus keeps me in this path.
It hath pleased our heav'nly Father that in Him all fullness dwell.
I abide with Him each moment, and He makes all well. [Refrain]
4 He renews me by His Spirit (praise the Lord) each hour,
And He keeps me thus from falling by His gracious pow'r.
I must trust Him and obey Him, but He helps me so to do.
Unto Him belongs the glory, for He takes me thro'. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #335